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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Amazon Written Paper 2013


Type : Online

Platform : Interview Street

Duration : 90 min

-0.25 negative marking

20 MCQ + 2 Coding

For MCQ’s go through last 5 years GATE papers

20 MCQs : aptitude, data structures, os, C


some of the  MCQs are :

1) Huffman code for a,b,c,d,e

2) Initially 5 numbers stored in max heap. level order given. 2 new number inserted . find new
level order.

3) If P(a) =1,P(b)=1/2 and P(c) =1/3 and a,b,c are independent, find P(a/b)P(b/c)P(c/a). this
question was repeated.

4) 3 men playing a game with coin, whoever gets first head wins. find the probability of winning
of 3rd guy....

5) one code was there on tree. It was finding the height of tree.

6) 2 questions on recursion. cvf

7) 11 players team. age of captain=26 and wicketkeeper=29 given. avg age of team = avg age of team without captain and wicketkeeper +1, find the avg age of team

 8) Arranging time complexities.

9) in insertion sort if we use binary search instead of internal loop, what would be the time complexity. 


Coding questions

1)  Check if given two strings are anagrams( ignore spaces and don’t consider case sensitive

2) given array of strings of dates in dd/mm/yyyy form , write a program to sort them rings of dates in dd/mm/yyyy form , write a program to sort them

 IIT D : 

1. one Probabity
2. one reasoning
3. one java
4. one network question subnet mask question.
5. TOC question (a+b*) and (a+b)* same language or subset.

Coding Questions :
1) find in a  array  different number of pairs with difference k. Array has unique elements.

2) Second questions was same as


1. List all the repeated characters lexicographically in a string(if ‘a’ & ‘A’ are there, that also counts as a repetition.

2. print the 90 degree rotation of a matrix.


1. Find the minimum distance between 2 numbers.

2. Sum of 3 linked lists.


1 Coin change problem: Given a “sum” and denominations of coins, find minimum number of
coins required to make the “sum”.

2. Find anagram pairs in an array of strings. Check should be case insensitive.


1. First non­repetitive character in string.

2. Next higher number with same digits .

IIT Kgp :

1. Left view of binary tree

2. Given n points, find 3 nearest points from each
Input:n (no of points)
then n lines each containing id,x,y
n lines each containing id of 3 nearest points

Q: Given a square matrix of size n containing positive integers. Find the greatest submatrix(square or otherwise) which is sorted both row­wise and column­wise in increasing order. A matrix is sorted row­wise, if all the elements in any row are sorted in increasing order. And similarly, a matrix is sorted column­wise, if all the elements in any column are sorted in increasing order. Greatest submatrix is defined as the submatrix containing the maximum number of elements.
2 5 3 8 3
1 4 6 8 4
3 6 7 9 5
1 3 6 4 2
2 6 4 3 1
has the greatest submatrix as
1 4 6 8
3 6 7 9

NIT W : 

1 .

2 .

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